A Project on “Energy and technological assessment for prospective Railway technology in Nepal“
Submitted By: Rajib Kumar Hyoju (068/MsTIM/157) Rajendra Bahadur Thapa (068/MsTIM/156) Sudip Joshi (068/MsTIM/165)
Submitted To: Prof. Amrit Man Nakarmi Coordinator, Master of Science in Technology and Innovation Management
May, 2012
We wish to express our sincere gratitude to Prof. Amrit Man Nakarmi, Co-ordinator of Master of Science in Technology and Innovation Management (MsTIM) program for providing us an opportunity to do our project work on “Energy and technological assessment for prospective Railway technology in Nepal”. This project bears on imprint of many peoples. We sincerely thank to our other teachers for their valuable feedbacks and encouragement in carrying out this project work. We express our sincere thanks to the Department of Railway, Government of Nepal for encouraging us. We would like to thank Mr. Krishna Raj Bajgain, Trade and Export Promotion Centre, Nepal for encouraging and providing data. We would like to thank Traffic Police Office, Ram Shah Path for coordination on providing data of traffic inflow and outflow in Kathmandu Valley. We cannot forget to give sincere thank to our friends circle in Google+ and Facebook, who expressed their valuable opinion in the polls. Last but not the least, we wish to avail ourselves of this opportunity, express a sense of gratitude and love to our friends for their manual support, strength, help and for everything.
Sincerely, Rajib Kumar Hyoju Rajendra Bahadur Thapa Sudip Joshi MsTIM-2011
Executive Summary
Nepal is a landlocked country and one of the least developed countries. The development of any country depends upon the energy availability and the energy costs. At present energy is scarce resources and one of the top issues in the world .The transportation system of Nepal is totally