This paper will entirely focus on Oprah Winfrey. Oprah Winfrey has shone and demonstrated more strength, character, and changed the way America looks at and views racial issues in America. This paper will analyze her start in the film industry, her leadership, personal wealth,
Business Leadership Oprah Winfrey is a reputable, prominent world leader, businesswoman, actress, philanthropist, and talk show-host. It is said by some that she has revolutionized television talk show. One has to admire her perseverance to overcome the hardships she faced as a child. Oprah’s mother had Oprah when she was only a teenager in a town in rural Mississippi. She was born into poverty and raped at a young age of nine years old. History repeats itself and a young teenage Oprah gives birth to a child that dies. Oprah started her career in radio. Today women turn to Oprah for self-help, self-improvement, compassion, religious questions, and even how to regulate your bowel movements. Against all odds in a male dominated field, Oprah rises to have the most-popular, longest running, and highest-ranking talk show. CNN, Time Magazine, and Life all list Oprah Winfrey as the most influential woman in the world. (Finz, 2011). Oprah Winfrey would be an example of a Transformational leader. Transformational leaders influence, inspire, move, and literally transform followers to achieve organizational goals beyond their self-interests (Burns, 1978), thus initiating and bringing about positive change. (Weiss, 2011). She was very much involved in Civil Rights, and changed the way African – Amrericans are treated. Her endorsement of President Obama brought about a post-racial era long before we would have seen. (Zak, 2011) Oprah demonstrates characteristics of a transformational leader by demonstrating the four I’s of a Transformational leader. The first I is Idealized Influence which is probably the most obvious trait.
References: Dan Zak. (2011, May 25). The end of ‘Oprah,’ but the empire remains. The Washington Post, p. A.1. Retrieved October 10, 2011, from ProQuest Newsstand. (Doument ID: 2356693221) Stacy Finz. (2011, August 25). Bay Area women on Forbes power list. San Francisco Chronicle, p. D.1. Retrieved October 10,2011, from ProQuest Newsstand. (Document ID: 2434046811) Weiss, J. W. (2011). An Introduction to Leadership. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.