Grand Canyon University- SPE 359
Abby Suggs
April 26, 2015
This writer was given an assignment of researching three questions related to learning disability. The three questions are: 1. what is a learning disability? 2. How do individuals with learning disabilities process information? and 3. What challenges are related to how these individuals process information? This writer has learned a lot about learning disability and special education all throughout this course, during this research, and during observation time in the classroom. Special education, a program developed in order to provide a free, appropriate education to all students, even those with special needs, was developed because of the passage of laws such as the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHA, Public Law 94–142), later known as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and has evolved over the years based on updates in the law (Polloway, 2013). This essay details some of the things that this writer has learned. Multiple and various disorders affect the learning of academic skills even in individuals with normal intelligence and maturity and similar opportunities to other individuals; definition, diagnosis, and treatment of learning disabilities is and always has been controversial (Bell, 2014). Controversy about the definition of learning disabilities between educators and those in the medical field arises mainly because of the many different characteristics that people with learning disabilities demonstrate. The medical field sees learning disabilities as disease with neurological dysfunctions and the education field focuses more on the academic problems of learning disabilities. Definitions developed by the United States Office of Education in 1977, the Board of the Association for Children and Adults with Learning Disabilities in 1985, and the National Joint Committee for Learning Disabilities in 1981,