The purpose of the article is to show the affects of team unity within teams. In this article there was a two part study that was performed on a college. The first part consisted of a questionnaire was sent to one hundred athletes. This questionnaire was made up of several questions that consisted of variables such as class standing, team record, funding, travel accommodations, coaching staff, academic policy are considered to improve team unity. The second part of this study was analyzing using statistical data gathered from the surveys distributed to the 100 individual athletes of the various sports teams. Team unity coexists in both school and companies’s and is variables that may contribute to everyday life. It is also something coaches and employees alive must be aware of. Being successful at anything in life, there are many factors that work together in order for achievement to be accomplished in the end. This is also true in life, there are a lot factors that come into play when it comes to team unity in regards to sports. A team can have all the talent in the world but if team unity does not exist, the talent is useless. A team must work as one unit, working to achieve a common goal. With that said it is safe to conclude that a team 's success or failure can ultimately be traced back to the unity amongst teammates and factors that contribute to propel that unity (Aghazadeh, Kyei, 2009).
Statistical Concepts Discussed: While reading this article I found quite a bit of information that can be applied to what we have studied in this course. Through research and statistical data collection, hypotheses are raised and will be proven or rejected through
References: Aghazadeh, S., Kyei, K. (2009). A Quantitative Assessment of Factors Affecting College Sports Team Unity. College Student Journal. Vol. 43 Issue 2, p294-302. Weiers, R. (2008). Introduction to Business Statistics.