This is a reflective essay which will give an account of the concept of valuing diversity and one aspect of anti-discriminatory practice. Its aim is to demonstrate these concepts by explaining their relationship with regards to a ‘diverse’ client whom I have cared for during my placement. Valuing diversity is recognising differences and turning them into positive characteristics. Howard (2004) supports this theory by defining valuing diversity as being aware of, sensitive to, and appreciating differences. The Department of Health (2004) explain valuing diversity within the NHS and determines the importance that health professionals recognise, respect and value difference for the benefit of the organisation and its patients. The Nursing and Midwifery Council (2002) incorporates the idea of non-judgemental care into its code of professional conduct by maintaining clause 7 of the UKCC Guidelines for Professional Practice (1996, pp25) who instructed “as a registered nurse, midwife or health visitor you are personally accountable for your practice. In the exercise of your professional accountability you must recognise and respect the uniqueness and dignity of each patient and client and respond to their need of care, irrespective of their ethnic origin, religious beliefs, personal attributes and the nature of their health problems or any other factors”. This emphasises the roles of health professionals in supporting people from different backgrounds, treating them fairly and protecting them from discrimination. Discrimination is the unfavourable treatment of people who are socially assigned to a particular category (Haralambos and Holborn 2000). They further explain how discrimination is closely linked with prejudices which are learned beliefs and values that make people biased against members of such groups. Discrimination
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