As part of my final year I have been asked to work out my coursework two project for the module “New Media” aim at creating a News Bulletin/Flash for a fictitious news agency comprised of filming of a scene with audio using a suitable camera that will culminate in the production of a unified single one minute News video.
The project also acquired me to design a “storyboard” to break the story into different scenes which will save me time while filming, after then use my previous knowledge of multimedia and appropriate image/video editing software such as “Adobe After Effect” and “Photoshop” to perfect my creation for the project.
I was looking for something interesting around the school campus when I notice a PHILIPS™ double-decker bus, so curious I decided to check in to actualize what was going on, after getting in touch with the promotional crew I got to understand they were creating awareness for their music and sound products which is going to be release in the market by next year 2014. This gave me an inspiration idea as we all know music is an art form whose medium is sound and silence. In many cultures, music is an important part of their way of life and as we all know music is often ordered and pleasant to listen too. As we all watch foreign and local musician on TV’s and as their music is played on the radio this clearly states that the entertainment sector is growing and is promoted by the media/telecommunications company day by day. Nowadays people even listen to music on their ipods, iphones, ipads or any other mobile device. hence local or foreign music, ranging from a different genres like Rock, Soul, Hip Hop and R n B for fun , entertainment , inspiration , motivation and other recreational activities. At Most time I myself always listen to music either on my phone or laptop devices ,also with the rising trend of technology and high level market competition people are so eager to use and be updated about latest technology