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The film had strengths in which it shows the Holy Grail for what it probably truly would be, a simple cup for a simple lifestyle crafted by a sample carpenter, not a jeweled or golden chalice. The film also showed how someone would need to make a step out in faith in order to achieve everlasting life, and showing that Christ’s blood will save us and give us the salvation we seek. The healing powers of the Holy Grail were demonstrated, although it is not truly known what the Holy Grail would heal like, or if in…
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Though there are three different accounts of the Lord’s Last Supper in the bible—written by Matthew, Luke, and John—each record share common threads. Specifically speaking, the scriptures all express Jesus’ desire for people to, through the symbols of bread and wine, receive his body and blood in remembrance of him. In other words, through this symbolic and orderly process, all accounts show that Jesus wants his followers to remember the sacrifice he made: die on the cross to pay for mankind’s sins. Ultimately, I found these accounts to show Jesus suggesting a redemptive nature of his death.…
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and precious items during the age of the crusades. The beakers were made and used during the…
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It is impossible for a human being to fulfill all the ideals of the Chivalric Code and the seven Cardinal Virtues. Christian knights lived by the Chivalric Code to gain honor, but it was not possible even for the best and purest knights to always stick to these conventions of courtesy, generosity, loyalty, consistency, chastity, poverty, valor and skill. In addition to these components of the Chivalric Code, a knight was to follow the seven Cardinal Virtues, which were justice, prudence, temperance, fortitude, faith, hope and charity.…
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(AGG)knights were an important part of the social system during the middle ages in Europe.(BS-1)Their training and education started at a young age continuing into adulthood. (BS-2)They were then considered to be weapons for their lords. (BS-3)It was expected that all knights live by a strong code of conduct.(TS)Knights helped give rise to the economic and political system known as feudalism through their contributions and involvement in the economy,military,culture and law.…
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Differences are more common than similarities when Beowulf is compared with Sir. Gawain. The Similarities are small things like both lead characters are renound heros, both characters have fought galiantly in many battles, both characters are mighty warriors, both characters were considered perfect by their society's standards. The differences on the other hand were major things like Sir Gawain was a knight and remained a knight, therefore was subject to his king. Beowulf, on the other hand, started as a subject of kings, even though he was admired by kings, yet he eventually became a king himself. Another major difference is in the spiritual realm. Beowulf, as with all warrior societies, seemed to rely on spiritualism and ancient spells or relics. Whereas Sir. Gawain was a knight, and as such maintained a devout christian faith relying only on God.…
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Indiana Jones, famed adventurer and archaeologist acquires a diary that holds clues and a map with no names to find the mysterious Holy Grail which was sent from his father, Dr. Henry Jones, in Italy. Upon hearing from a private collector, Walter Donavan, that the mission for the Holy Grail went astray with the disappearance of his father, Indiana Jones and museum curator Marcus Brody venture to Italy in search of Indys father. However, upon having Dr. Henry Jones in Nazi territory, the rescue mission turns into a race to find the Holy Grail before the Nazis do- who plan to use it for complete world domination for their super-race. With the diary as a vital key and the map with no names as a guide, Indiana Jones once again finds himself in…
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Wise old men and hags appeared intermittently throughout the Holy Grail. When King Arthur and his knights were seeking a shrubbery, they said "Ni" to an old crone until the shrubber interrupted them. A wise old man appeared in scene 24 who led them to Tim the enchanter. Tim was a wise old man as well, for he knew where to find the cave, and he knew about the dangerous bunny like when he spoke," Just look at the bones." However, wise old men and hags are only half of the characters that depict a…
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The Holy Grail: the legend of the Holy Grail was said to be the cup of the Last Supper, the last cup Jesus drank from, and at the crucifixion had received blood flowing from Jesus Christs side wound. It was brought to Britain by Joseph of Arimathea, where it lay hidden for centuries. Eliot uses in in line 51 when he alludes to the Fisher King by saying “the man with three staves” appeared in one of the tarot cards. The Fisher King’s disease is said to have caused the wasteland and it may only be cured by the quester for the Holy Grail who successfully answers ritual questions. These questions would complete the quest and bring fertility to the land. Eliot uses this allusion so that there is some hope to remedy the cause of the wasteland and…
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As one goes through life they are both outwardly and inwardly affected by their religious beliefs and code of conduct. The code of chivalry and courtly love was based on ones honor, and the keeping of it. This can be done by three ways, being chivalrous to your king, being chivalrous to god, or being chivalrous to women. These three things are also a general fit to Christianity. These beliefs and way of keeping oneself affects Gawain and his journey through out the poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Specifically Christianity affects Gawain's view of himself and how he should be, adding to the pressure of succeeding and the keeping of his honor.…
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The legend of King Arthur can be traced as far back as the fourth and fifth centuries. But the earliest tales of Arthur were almost nothing like they are today. There were no wandering minstrels, or ladies–in–waiting, or knights in shining armor taking on bold quests to defend their ladies. Instead, there were tales of giants, and magic cups, and invaders from a foreign land. In some ancient versions of the legend, Arthur is a hero whose deeds are comparable to those of Hercules. In more modern versions, he is merely a king whose knights are the real heroes of the story. The earliest tales of Arthur were spread largely by word of mouth, and very few written accounts survive. Of the ones that do, we do not have the original documents, only copies…
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7. What was the Holy Grail? What role does it play in the King Arthur legends?…
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Symbolism and imagery is used throughout “The Three Musketeers” frequently. Another thing I would like to focus on though is the history of this novel. The tone of the novel can also be nightmarish at times. With all the things that D’Artagnan, Athos, Porthos, and Aramis encounter throughout their journey.…
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Homelessness is a pressing issue throughout the entire world. It affects people of all ages, genders, and races. The official definition from Google of homeless is “(of a person) without a home, and therefore typically living on the streets.” People who are homeless usually do not choose their homelessness. In fact, many people are pushed into this status due to many different reasons, such as gentrification or just difficulty finding a job. Walking down the Market Street of San Francisco, a bustling city, one would find many homeless begging, walking, or chatting with other homeless. They each have their own story behind their homelessness, and their own hardships. Women, in particular, have different needs and sufferings; they are more prone…
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