David Jooryabi
Mrs. Guy
Honors Euro. Lit.
2 April 2015
Under The Guise of Equality
Throughout the course of British literature, few women writers displayed as knowledgeable of writing as Virginia Woolf. In her papers, she describes the state of women in 20th century Britain and how society views them. Two major things that she notes are the widespread oppression of women by society due to men and also using women to heighten their own selfworth. She goes further to state that not only have women been oppressed in 20th century Britain, but throughout history and due to this subjugation, women have been stuck at the bottom of the social hierarchy unable to achieve equal rights of men. Most importantly, the harsh reality that Woolf’s sentiments still remain true today in the harsh regime of
Saudi Arabia, a country controlled by a radical Islamic patriarchy. With the immense amount of power the regime has, it uses a majority of it to restrict women from even the most basic human rights such as education and the right to live independently. Throughout the essay A Room of
One’s Own
, Woolf illustrates that men have constantly restrained women from achieving any sort of independence or rights and in turn have
Jooryabi 2 permanently restrained them to the bottom of economic class due to the nature of male dominated society,