In “A Rose for Emily” narrator was an observer. He was part of the villagers but not the main character. He is not able to get into the mind of the character so his encounters are usually unreliable and not trusted. He can only tell us his view of things not what the character is thinking.
The narrator prepared us for the ending of this story here by the use of some symbolic items. Some examples are: the broken down old and decayed house, which can mean some sort of death or someone decaying; the ebony cane with the skeleton being a death symbol; Emily purchasing the arsenic poisoning, but no one knew what it was for and she would not say; the nasty smell coming from the inside of her house which people were complaining about; the description of her hair graying out which usually means that it’s going to be used somewhere else within the story ending.
There were also things happening that can lead knowing the ending without it being told. Things like Homer not being seen ever again which made people think that he left Emily. She didn’t let anyone in the home at all for about 10 years. When she finally did, she would not let anyone in her upstairs rooms at all when she was giving the lessons.
There was also description of how she was treated by her dad and how she was not allowed to have any dates and sort which made her alienate herself from society. That also could be what made her so miserable and feel like she didn’t want to be around anyone nor that anyone wanted to be around her. When her dad passed away she was in denial for the rest of her life.
“The Lottery” In this story the narrator is a third person. He is out of the story and is not able to get into the mind of the character to see what they are thinking. If he would be able to it would give up the ending. The narrator in this story prepares us for the ending by the use of symbolic items like the black box that has was so old it was breaking down they