A Rose For Emily", by William Faulkner, is a short story that is widely read and debated because it has many interpretations among readers. "A Rose for Emily," captures reader’s attention because it is a love story and a mystery at the same time. The story is about the dark mystery that surrounds a mysterious old woman named Emily, who grows increasingly strange throughout time. Faulkner paints an incredible picture by setting up the story and inviting the reader with the mystery that surrounds Emily. The audience does not know what the true mystery is until the last paragraphs of the story. Faulkner's ability to keep the audience reading until the last words of the story shows his great skill as a writer. To truly understand what is going on in the story you have to go in depth and really examine the text. Because of the various themes and interpretations found within “A rose for Emily”, when teaching it to a class you have to make sure to highlight as much information as possible to figure the story out. The three main themes of this story are love, isolation, and decay. To cover all of the three main themes I would cover each theme one at a time. I would break down this unit into four classes. The first class would cover the theme of love; the second about isolation, the third about decay, and the fourth class would be an overview of the whole story. In each class there would be discussions and assignments given to get the students involved and to hear their thoughts about the story. Article “Reading Between the lines” mentioned to “read and analyze William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily" in its entirety and look for examples of subtext in the settings, details, and descriptions. Then, highlight passages”. I agree with this article’s suggestion completely. I would want my students to read the whole story and try to pay attention to as much detail as possible that is written.
Love is the main theme in “A Rose for