Renee Rhodes
Wilkes University
A Self-Analysis as Leader
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.” John Quincy Adams (1767-1848).
Mission Statement:
My mission as a Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) provider is to lead through providing compassionate, comprehensive quality care while focusing on the unique needs of pediatric patients, their families and community, regardless of race, sex, sexual preference, social status, or religion. As a nurse educator I am committed to promoting students’ critical thinking and technical skills while cultivating in them a desire for life-long learning and safe, responsible practice.
Vision Statement:
My vision is to continue strengthening and advancing my professional practice environment which fosters: * holistic patient care * safety and quality patient care delivered through evidence-based practice * mutually respectful and collaborative interdisciplinary relationships * autonomy, empowerment, and accountability * professional development and educational opportunities for life-long learning * other staff to become mentors and leaders in our ever changing health care system * participation in professional organizations
My vision as a nurse educator is to continue to inspire, encourage, and teach other nursing professionals the skills they will need to succeed in today’s changing and expanding health care arena.
I was fortunate to have been raised by two loving parents who are still married after
45 years. They taught us right from wrong and never let us get away with doing wrong. We were raised in the Christian church and brought up to always see the goodness in everyone regardless of the color of their skin or the social status in which they lived. We were taught to value family, friendship, education, opportunity, and life in general. Through our activities, celebrations,
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