Compare & Contrast
Comparing and contrasting tColin Goodman
Compare & Contrast
Comparing and contrasting the difference between the book and
movie of “A separate piece”. I personally think that the movie
was much more fun to watch, but the book was better over-all.
some of the reasons I did not like the movie are Brinker, and the
way he seemed much more nice. I also did not like how Gene
did not go to Leper’s house and how Leper came back to the
school. Another thing I did not enjoy in the movie is how Brinker
did not enlist with Gene as he did in the book. In my overall
opinion, the book was better. So here is my detailed
description of comparing and contrasting the movie and the book.
cgbn hggffg ghbf fgh ghfg hf ghf hgg g hf hgf hgf ghf hgf hgf hgf hgf hgf ghf hgf hgf hgf
ghf hgf hgfhg f hgf ghf hgf hgf ghf ghf hgf hgf fgh hgf ghf fgh hgf
ghfColin Goodman
Compare & Contrast
Comparing and contrasting the difference between the book and
movie of “A separate piece”. I personally think that the movie
was much more fun to watch, but the book was better over-all.
some of the reasons I did not like the movie are Brinker, and the
way he seemed much more nice. I also did not like how Gene
did not go to Leper’s house and how Leper came back to the
school. Another thing I did not enjoy in the movie is how Brinker
did not enlist with Gene as he did in the book. In my overall
opinion, the book was better. So here is my detailed
description of comparing and contrasting the movie and the book.
cgbn hggffg ghbf fgh ghfg hf ghf hgg g hf hgf hgf ghf hgf hgf hgf hgf hgf ghf hgf hgf hgf
ghf hgf hgfhg f hgf ghf hgf hgf ghf ghf hgf hgf fgh hgf ghf fgh hgf
ghfhe difference between the book and
movie of “A separate piece”. I personally think that the movie