Fear comes in many forms, there is fear of embarrassment, failure, and injury. These are the three main fears that keep people from achieving their dreams. I say go for it, if you want to do something don't let fear get in your way. Follow your dreams, make them come true. If you spend your life living in fear, you won't accomplish anything, because to achieve your highest goals you must take risks. For example there are some people who live in fear of just leaving their homes, they spend their lives living inside, without contact to the outside world. They accomplish nothing, they don't have jobs, they can't keep a relationship, and they often suffer financially. Now this is an extreme case but none the less it does happen. More commonly humans are afraid of what others may think them. Getting up this morning knowing that I'd have to stand here in front of all of you and read this three minute speech, I honestly didn't want to come to school. The fear of being here with everyone's attention focused on me was almost unbearable. What if I screwed up, what if you didn't like my speech, what if you laughed at me? What if. That is the key, there is no way of knowing until you try.
The roots of fear can be deep and widespread. There are many reasons people develop phobias. For example if someone you knew got seriously hurt while riding a bike, chances are it would be a while before you would get back on a bike. Although you have ridden a bike many times before and nothing has ever happened, but now you are afraid because you know that there is a possibility that something could happen.
The Webster's New World Dictionary defines the word risk as