The first essay of Naked. This essay is about the narrator's (David Sedaris) early life, and his hopes to one day be rich and famous. Later in this essay, the reader discovers that David Sedaris' family is basically middle class
A Plague of Tics
This essay describes David Sedaris' obsessive-compulsive and Tourettic tendencies as a child. The tendencies included the likes of licking light switches and kissing newspapers. He frequently gets into trouble with teachers as a result. He later gives up these tendencies when he takes up smoking in college.
Get Your Ya-Ya's Out!
This essay is an account of David Sedaris' elderly (and slightly senile.) grandmother, known as Ya-Ya. Ya-Ya is injured and forced to live with his family, resulting in painful experience for all. Eventually Ya-Ya is put into a low grade nursing home. And when she dies only his father seems to mourn.
Next of Kin
This essay is about a literary pornography book David Sedaris finds when he is a child. He and his siblings each pass it down to one another. The book is eventually confiscated by his mother, who in turn reads it.
This essay is named after a boy named "Cyclops" whom David Sedaris' father allegedly accidentally blinded in one eye. This essay centers on cautionary tales passed down among family members.
The Women's Open
This essay is an account of David Sedaris' sister's first menstruation, which takes place at a golf championship.
True Detective
This essay is about David Sedaris' interest in detective shows such as The Fugitive. He also describes his exploits as an amateur detective.
Dix Hill
This essay is a recollection of David Sedaris' first job at a mental institution named Dix Hill. The residents at Dix Hill range from violent to submissive.
I Like Guys
This essay is based on the author's discovery of his homosexual nature. He discovers that he is gay when at a summer camp in Greece in his teens, where he develops a crush on another young male there.