Chairperson: let we talk about the first social problem that is truancy. What is truancy? Why it happens and how to solve it? So we will listen to what our panel says about it.
Yoges: “Recently there was a report about 27 secondary students who were caught playing truant by the police at a cyber café near Kampong Rapat Police Station. Is truancy rampant? What are the actions taken by the Education Department and Police to curb truancy? With these questions in mind, I set out to investigate.”
“A counsellor from Students Affairs Unit in Perak Education Department, who did not want to be named, informed me that only about one per cent of the 500,000 students in the State are involved in truancy with the same repeaters every time. The Unit does not have a special team looking for truants and only takes action if complaints are received. It conducts programmes and activities to help students refrain from truancy.”
“Some of these programmes involve representatives from the police, State Welfare Department, local councils and other agencies. Some 5,000 students from the state participate in the ‘Heart to