<br>Scene three opens with a description of surroundings during a poker night. The description of the poker night immediately introduces it as an all guys night. Stanley, Steve, Mitch and Pablo, all men are described as wearing shirts that have colours that are "powerful as the primary colours". Primary colours are childish colours showing how childish and immature their personality is going to be through out the poker night. This is a contrast to how they are described physically as "strong". These solid colours suggest they are strong, powerful men who are "coarse" and "direct". Even though they are at their "prime" of physical manhood, alternatively the primary colour description can be seen as them not being in their prime mentally, suggesting immaturity and simple thinking. The hard, strong alcohol of whisky on the table implies masculinity. It is also a whisky bottle and not wine. If it was wine it would be too elegant for the occasion and wine is generally seen in romantic situations with women.
<br>As we hear the men have a poker talk conversation about a "wild deal," we not only hear that the vocabulary is simple but also common which is in contrast with Stella and Blanche's flowery, finer vocabulary. We also see Stanley "toss" some watermelon rind to the floor. The word "toss" is a very rough way of disposing a watermelon rind. He doesn't throw it in a rubbish bin showing he doesn't seem to care. He also does this when he throws the meat to Stella in scene one. I think he also expects Stella to clean up after him, reinforcing the idea that females take care of the house and