This study aims to find out how long a lemon (Citrus limon) can last as a lemon battery powering a digital clock.
The researcher assumes that one lemon would last for a day or two and that the usage of more lemons would entail a longer battery time.
Specifically, it aims to:
1) come up with a quantity-longevity ratio with the use of a varied quantity of lemons in the production of a lemon battery
2) find the relationship of the number of lemons and the time it powers a digital clock
3) produce a graph showing the said relationship
D. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY This study is significant to the:
1. BATTERY CONSUMERS because the purchase of batteries is costly unlike the use of lemons because they’re cheaper and more accessible that the lemons may just be taken from the kitchen.
2. ENVIRONMENT because the regular battery contains mercury and lead which are harmful to the environment especially when they are disposed of. The lemon battery is not at all harmful after disposal.
3. FUTURE RESEARCHERS because this research will serve as a reference material for their research. If this research will be taken further, the elimination of the usage of harmful batteries could be advocated.
4. RESEARCHER because this research will provide more knowledge and insight about the latter.
E. SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS This study is limited to:
1. Produce a version of the lemon battery
2. Finding out the longevity of the lemon as a battery source for a small digital clock
3. Using 2, 3, 4 or 5 lemons in various set-ups and finding a quantity-longevity ratio
4. This study will be conducted in the classroom during the Physics laboratory period on the Third Quarter.
1. Lemon Battery – a proven alternative to the use of the regular battery made of lemon, copper and iron.
2. Populace – the people who live in a country or area