A Study of HRM in PCCW of Hong Kong
October 29, 2012
A Study of HRM in PCCW of Hong Kong
1. Executive Summary 2. Introduction 3. History of telephone service in Hong Kong and PCCW 4.1 Mission 4.2 Core values 4.3 Corporate strategy 4. Human resources strategy and policies 5.4 Building a professional team 5.5 Room for promotion 5.6 Open communications 5.7 Stability of working environment 5.8 Personal growth and recognition 5.9 Staff caring 5. Sources used for recruitment 6. Labour unions 7.10 PCCW staff association 7.11 PCCW Employees General Union 7.12 REACH, PCCW, Cable and Wireless Staff Association 7. How do the customers affect the HR policies and business process 8.13 Target customers 8.14 Characteristics of target customer
7.3 Business process impact on HRM
8. Conclusion
9. Recommendations
10. Appendix
11. Reference
1. Executive Summary
During the end of last century, the former British Crown Colony of Hong Kong has encountered a dramatic change in political and economical. The labor market has also greatly affected by these two factors.
A controversial company in Hong Kong has been selected by fellow group members to be studied in this assignment, in relation to the background and its HRM policies.
2. Introduction
PCCW Limited (the company), headquartered in Hong Kong, holding interest in the telecommunications, media and information technology service program, property development and investment, as well as other business. The company employed 19,800 employees in Hong Kong, mainland China and other countries.
3. History of telephone service in Hong Kong and PCCW
PCCW Limited is the largest telecommunications service operator in Hong Kong S.A.R to provide land-line telephone, pay-phone, media and broadband internet service. The company was named as