I am personally indebted to so many people that a complete acknowledgment would be encyclopedic. My sincere thanks and profound sense of gratitude goes to my respected Chairman, Hon’ble. Dr. Jeppiaar, M.A., B.L., Ph.D., for all his efforts and administration in educating us in premiere institution. I take this opportunity to thank our Director. Dr. Babu Manoharan, M.A., M.B.A., Ph.D. I would like to express my gratitude to our Principal. Dr. Jolly Abraham, M.E., M.I.E., Ph.D., and Head of the Department, Dr. Jayashree Krishnan., B.Sc., M.B.A., Ph.D., for their guidance and advice all through my tenure. I convey my sincere thanks to my guide DR. Vasantha lakshmi M.B.A., Ph.D for her valuable suggestion throughout the project duration. I thank Mr. Ferose sha, Business partner, Motilal Oswal Securities Pvt Ltd For giving me the opportunity to do this project under their esteemed guidance. I also express my thanks to my parents, friends and others who have helped me directly and indirectly towards the successful completion of the project.
The study is concerned with analyzing the investors behavior with special reference to Motilal Oswal Securities Pvt. Ltd. Once the problem is defined, the next step is the research design, which serves as a guideline map or blue print in specifying the data collection methods and its analysis. The type of research undertaken by the researcher is descriptive by nature. In this study descriptive research design has been used which studies the demographic characteristics of the employees age, educational qualification, department, designation, etc and also analyze the relationship between variables. The data are collected from primary sources. Primary data is collected from the respondents using a structured questionnaire. The sampling technique used in this study is convenience sampling under nonprobability sampling. In convenience sampling, the samples from the population are chosen primarily