Paper prepared by
Dr K.Chokkaiah
Associate professor
Dept of Public Administration and HRM
KakatiyaUniversity Warangal,
Gone Rajesh & Veldandi Ramchander Rao
Assistant professors
Jayamukhi institute of technological sciences
Narsampet Warangal
A Study on Customer Satisfaction –With Reference To Big Bazaar Hyderabad (Group of Future Group)
*Dr K.Chokkaiah
**Gone Rajesh ***Veldandi Ramchander Rao
Exceptional customer service results in greater customer retention, which in turn results in higher profitability. Customer loyalty is a major contributor to sustainable profit growth. To achieve success, you must make superior service second nature of your organization. A seamless integration of all components in the service-profit chain – employee satisfaction, value creation, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and profit and growth – links all the critical dynamics of top customer service Sadly, mature companies often forget or forsake the thing that made them successful in the first place: a customer-centric business model.
They lose focus on the customer and start focusing on the bottom line and quarterly results. They look for ways to cut costs or increase revenues, often at the expense of the customer.
They forget that satisfying customer needs and continuous value innovation is the only path to sustainable growth. This creates opportunities for new, smaller companies to emulate and improve upon what made their bigger competitors successful in the first place and steal their customers. This paper focus on customer satisfaction reference to big bazaar a group of future group.
*Associate Professor Department of Public Administration and HRM, Kakatiya University
**, *** Asst Professors, Jayamukhi Institute of Technological Sciences, Narsampet Warangal