K.G.Guru, Training Manager, AVIVA, Chennai .
Research Scholar, SRM University, Kattankolathur, Chennai 603203.
Research Guide: Dr. V.Nagajothi, Professor in SRM University, Kattangulathur, Chennai 603203.
What is EAP?
Employee Assistance Program - provides a full range of high quality, professional counseling and support services for employees and their eligible family members.
The aim is to bring the participant into contact with that deeper part of his being from which well his own healing energies and to equip him with the knowledge and techniques whereby that contact may be maintained after he leaves the program.
2.EAP in India is carried out by the MNCs like Microsoft GTSC. The organizations use an external employee assistance provider, with a range of counselling services, including psychologists, psychiatrists and social workers.
Most use is reported to be related to family problems and alcohol/drug issues. A small percentage (less than 5%) is related to workplace conflict.
EAP is a structured program in which a combination of intensive group work and individual therapy enables the participant to experience himself in new ways.
The perceptions and observations were obtained through semi-structured interviews and the research findings are presented by aggregating general themes among the overall population surveyed and among the specific groups.
The various (non-invasive) therapies which will be offered at the healing centre, in one way or another, address the patient 's difficulties on an energetic level which is, indeed, the only level from which real healing can proceed.
3.International Experience of Successful Implication of EAP:
Visibility and knowledge: Although EAPs have become common within U.S. organizations, employers report that workers have limited awareness of them and lack a deep understanding of the full scope of
References: Journal of Employee Assistance, The, July, 2009 by John Burke, David A. Sharar Sharar and Masi 2006; Holman 2003 EAP Management Newsletter: 2006. EA Professionals Cite "Free EAP" Competition and Defining Value as Top Challenges. 20(11). American Business Publishing. Journal of Employee Assistance, The, July, 2009 by Katherine H. Capps, Jeri G. Kubicki Fiedler, Ji., and J.B. Wight. 1989. The Medical Offset Effect and Public Health Policy: Mental Health Industry in Transition. New York: Praeger. Roman, EM., and T.C. Blum. 1985. The Core Technology of Employee Assistance Programs. The ALMACAN, 15(3): 8-9, 16-19. Sharar, D.A., and E. Hertenstein. 2006. Perspectives on Commodity Pricing in Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs): A Survey of the EAP Field. www.redorbit.com. Sharar, D.A., and D. Masi. 2006. Crises Facing the EAP Field. Journal of Employee Assistance, 36(4): 7-9. Tisone, C.R. 2007. Call to Action: Something 's Burning. Employee Assistance Research Foundation.