S. Vivin Richard Ms.Sri Jothi
M.Sc Electronic Media, Lecturer
Department of Media Sciences Department of Media Sciences
College of Engineering, College of Engineering
Anna University, Guindy. Anna University, Chennai
This research investigates the characteristics of online marketing strategies used by new media Entrepreneurs. This research helps to understand the nature and extent of business strategies used by successful online Entrepreneurs. Nowadays, most people prefer to get first-hand information from the internet. Being a terrific medium of communication, internet not only helps people to stay informed but gives them a fair idea about the consumer market as well. Hence, it is important to analyze and utilize the power of internet technology in the best possible manner. The need is to analyze and research needs of customers who come online to satisfy their wants.
1. 2. Introduction:
Internet is primarily a source of communication, information and entertainment, but increasingly, it also acts as a vehicle for commercial transactions. Since the explosion of the web as a business medium, one of its primary uses has been for marketing. Soon, the web could become a critical distribution channel for the majority of successful enterprises. (Thompson 2002) In online world, companies try their best to make their products much more physically good that actually becomes the possession of life of a customer. The concentration of internet marketing is giving a similar experience to a customer ad help him/her to get the utmost satisfaction.
Internet is a large repository of information, ever expanding database and a true knowledge hub. The impact of internet over people has grown over a period of time and people started trusting internet and they bank over the internet for major activities, be it
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