Many companies think that they should cut expenditure on advertising and redirect it into sales promotions, direct mail, public relations and other forms of marketing communications.
Advertising is not an expensive but, rather, is a strategic activity which should be regarded as an investment in the product or brand. Reducing advertising spend may yield short-term savings but may well lead to long-term loss of market share. In the late 1970s Adidas cut advertising spend on its sports shoes and found that the brand was not strong enough to maintain market share in the face of new competitors. It has struggled to recover its former position. Advertising must be sustained to maintain a brand’s market presence since people only buy those products they talk about. “Out of sight is out of mind for the customer” Effective advertising cannot guarantee success, but it certainly increases its chances.
Advertising plays an important and limited role within the process of marketing. Advertising has three basic objectives: * To inform customers about new products, experiences, services and other information that they need to be know. * To persuade customers to purchase a destination or product, to perceive a destination or product differently or change a brand preference (as an example to perhaps change a customer’s preference for a destination or change of accommodation at a destination) or,
* To remind customers about a destination or product, where it may be purchased or how it may be purchased (booked).
* Good marketers see their business from the customer’s viewpoint and organize their entire enterprise to develop relationships with the customer based on trust.
Marketing is the ability to develop