
A Study on the Demographic Factors Influencing the Adoption of E-Banking in India.

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A Study on the Demographic Factors Influencing the Adoption of E-Banking in India.
Research Proposal
The working title of my research is drafted as- A study on the demographic factors influencing the adoption of E-banking in India.

E – Banking has become a rising concern for academics. It is the innovation of e- banking that has resulted in cost and time reduction for the employees and consumers for the completion of their banking transactions. Banks have now devised more internet based solutions. The research has a wide scope as it focuses on the factors that influence the acceptance of the software offered by banks.

In the recent years information technology has fundamentally changed the banking industry worldwide. The innovation of internet banking has changed the way banking is being done and has offered the banks with a lot of challenges and opportunities. Banking industry faces a critical challenge in the adoption of online banking as the knowledge is very limited in India and there is an essential need to study that. The slow adoption of e- banking in India can also be because of poor education, economies, infrastructure and trust also plays an important role. This research will help in understanding the factors that affect the adoption of internet banking such as social, demographic and customer attitudes and perception which will enable banks to find out solutions to attract the customers through the e- banking services and hence gain a high market share in the banking industry.
The motivation for this research arose because there has been a rapid development of e- banking in India but the concern is that whether customers demand for these services based on their income, education, internet usage and levels of customer ownership and acceptance. There has been an increase in the number of internet users but a very small fraction of those do their banking transactions online because of lack of trust and several other factors. This study will explore e- banking facilities through the consumer’s eyes and seek to

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