Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, exemplifies the outcome of a totalitarianism government if science were to control society. Due to science and technology, it has the power to create life. If the society is constructed on a Utopian basis “the nature of society [would be] composed of freely co-operating individuals devoted to the pursuit of sanity.” However, Huxley presents a dystopian world that is governed by science and technology, which allows individuals to be susceptible to insanity. As well as destroying it, science and technology have negatively impacted life. “[The Sciences] can do nothing to modify the natural forms and expressions of life itself.” Although the sciences are not tampering the natural forms of creation, they are altering the flaws of genetics to create a perfect strain of characteristics. Those individuals living in such a civilization will have a predetermined fate. Thus, scientists have perfected the “problem of happiness…, [being that] the love of servitude cannot possibly come into existence.”
Consequently, if one is governed by complete force, they will never appreciate what they are doing nor gain any satisfaction from doing so. Ultimately, the repercussions of a totalitarianism government, created by science, perfects all of society’s imperfections which naturally makes it inhumanness.