P.A. Ozor
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria. e-mail paul.ozor@unn.edu.ng
Sustainable technology development of any economy is anchored in a sound knowledge-base for her citizens. But successful development of such knowledge-base depends on modern infrastructure, rule of law and functional institutions. When a society completes infrastructural development phase, jobs are created, flourishing markets emerge and unemployment gradually grows extinct. Trends have indicated that stimulating entrepreneurship is one of the most viable ways by which people can be empowered. Having realized this, many industrialized and newly industrialized countries have committed resources and time to the promotion of entrepreneurship through various means including specific emphasis and reforms on the educational sector, especially in the administration of Engineering Education. Now, the question is; what pattern has engineering education followed in Nigeria? Has Engineering practice accelerated or retarded technology development and self reliance in Nigeria? Are our institutions and the current engineering curriculum fertile for the growth of proactive, vibrant, state-of-the-art Engineers compatible with the demands of a radical global industrialization and development? Are there opportunities for improvement? This paper attempts to look into some of the foregoing issues. It further discusses the need to properly link Engineering Education with enterprise, technology development and self-employment for graduates of engineering at least.
KEYWORDS: Engineering education, Infrastructure, Technology development, Self employment.
Track 1: Engineering Education.
Sustainable development at local, regional and global scales is perhaps the most daunting challenge that humanity has ever faced. Knowledge and its
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