The Princess Bride, is a great love story and movie.. The author was trying to write a sort of fairy tale to convey his message. Although the book was very jumpy and hard to understand at times, it was a good book in the end when you learned how the author expresses his words. Buttercup was a beautiful girl with an amazing personality.
In the book and in the movie, they describe Buttercup very similarly. In the book, her dad was talking about how she had not bathed, though she claimed she did. Buttercup’s father continued and said, “Not with reek like a stallion,” (43). While I was reading the book I pictured this beautiful girl with long blonde hair, and then I find out that she doesn’t properly bathe, and that made me rethink how I looked at Buttercup as a beautiful young lady that guys were highly attracted to. The author did this to make you question who she really was and if she was as beautiful as you pictured she would be.
Meanwhile, in the movie she was a very beautiful young lady that had long blonde flowing hair and pretty blue eyes. Prince Humperdinck and Westley were fighting over her and would do anything to be with her. Everyone always talks about how beautiful Buttercup is and she is probably getting tired of all the comments and she may be getting tired of them. She says, “Enough about my beauty, Everybody always talks about how beautiful I am. I've got a mind, Westley. Talk about that" (196). The only thing people know her for is her beauty. I know being called beautiful means a lot, but I’m sure it gets old very fast. But at the same time all Buttercup wants to be recognized for is her knowledge and what she knows.
Buttercup wasn’t always the best decision-maker and made plenty of mistakes throughout the book, one being the choice not the bathe. Buttercup was always on the top on the list of being the prettiest young ladies, and she had a lot to look forward with being the prettiest. The book