The first way the author teaches us that revenge is guilt is through this quote "For a brief moment I hesitated- I trembled." This shows us that even though he wanted revenge hes had a thought of sympathy and second guessing on his decision. He showed mercy for awhile. A thought of instant brought him back to his way.…
In this essay, I will be comparing John Hughes’ The Breakfast Club published in 1985 with Stephen Chbosky’s The Perks of Being a Wallflower of 1999. The Breakfast club aims to highlight what went on in high schools as well as the larger society at the time, by using five unique stereotypes. In the movie, there was the jock: trying to live up to his dad’s and friends’ expectations; the brain, expected to be super-smart; the princess, who always wants to be a part of the popular crowd at school. There was also the criminal who is always negative, pessimistic and causing trouble. Finally, there’s the basket case who was silent the whole time except for the odd break outs.…
The main character in The Cask of Amontillado, Montresor, explains his jealousy of Fortunado. To get revenge, he leads the other man to a slow death and seems to feel he is justified in this. Fortunato did have reason to be jealous, as he mentions, "You are rich, respected, admired, beloved; you are happy as once I was” (Poe 7) but he should have humbled himself and forgiven him. For if he had done this, he would have found greater inner peace and saved a life. Forgiving your enemy helps grow your maturity and would have more of a positive effect on both parties. Revenge would only harm the ones involved and make no one want to change. Forgiving does not condone the actions, it is a decision to let go of the negative emotions and move forward. Therefore forgiveness, the most beneficial decision, is guaranteed to stop the…
This song is significant to this chapter because Holden talks about his ambitions and the troubles hes gone through in his past and this song is just about going after what you want in life and not stopping along the way and that represents Holden a lot.…
In the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, the theme of revenge is very palpable as the reader examines the characters of Hamlet himself, as well as Laertes, son of Polonius, and Fortinbras, prince of Norway and son of the late King Fortinbras. Each of these young characters felt the need to avenge the deaths of their fathers who they felt were untimely killed at the bloody hands of their murderers. However, the way each chose to go about this varies greatly and gives insight into their characters and how they progress throughout the play.…
Revenge, the action of inflicting hurt or harm on someone for their wrongdoings against another, is characterized as a corruption of the mind of the affected individual. Throughout the history of literature, countless authors have incorporated the theme of revenge into their works. For example, in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s, The Scarlet Letter, Roger Chillingworth seeks revenge on Minister Dimmesdale because of his crime committed with Hester. Similarly, in William Shakespeare’s, Othello, Iago devises an evil plan to avenge Othello of his rumored sin.…
Revenge is defined as to inflict punishment in return for injury or insult. In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel, “The Scarlet Letter”, we find that two characters exemplify this theme. Roger Chillingworth and Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale have an extensive conflict that portrays an example for us. “The clergyman’s shy and sensitive…
Revenge is the desire to take vengeance (revg). Vengeance is to return an injury(veng). In the Alexandre Dumas novel, The Count of Monte Cristo, the title character seeks revenge of those who put him in jail. Villefort, one of the accomplices of Monte Cristo's imprisonment, receives revenge from Monte Cristo. The revenge on Villefort by Monte Cristo was too harsh.…
The Evermonde brother’s inhumanity towards Madame Defarge’s family is observed through Dr. Manette’s journal when it is read at Charles Darnay’s last trial. The Evermonde brothers show no respect towards the peasants who served them. The Marquis describes the young peasant boy as “’A crazed young common dog! A serf!”’(251). The two brothers not only think of their peasants as dogs, but they treated them with great cruelty that is incomprehensible. An example of their extreme mistreatment of the peasants is when the younger Evermonde brother found himself in a duel with the young peasant boy and he eventually dies from his battle wound, described in the novel by Dr. Manette, “’I could not see where his wound was, as I kneeled on one knee over him; but, I could see that he was dying of a wound from a sharp point”’(251). The Evermonde brothers kill Madame Defarge’s sister, her brother-in-law, her father, and her younger brother. The mistreatment of her family leaves Madame Defarge with a craving for revenge on the Evermonde family. Not only does she want to kill the Marquis, but she also wants to kill “’The château and all the race’”(231), which includes Charles Darnay, Lucie, and little Lucie. Madame Defarge has no sense of her level of inhumanity towards the Evermonde family, but only desires to avenge the deaths of her family, leading to her…
Revenge seems to be a haunting thing that eats away at someone’s mind. And that person only gets sweet release when and only when they get that revenge on who is haunting them. Revenge seems to make people go mad if not avenged and this only seems to haunt the weak-willed. And the only people who act upon revenge is those not in their right mind. For example in “The Cask of Amonitillado” the narrator gives no exact reason of why he thinks he deserves revenge on Fortunato. The narrator is also show to have something wrong with his state of mind playing little mind games with Fortunato along the way to the catacombs.…
Like many tragedies, Shakespeare’s Hamlet does not fail to provide readers with tales of fervent, bloody revenge which satisfies the primal impulses of characters in the play, wrought on by unjust murder and a desire for vengeance. With a temperamental demeanor and mercurial mood, Laertes is portrayed in many instances as a brash, near irrational son whose desire to avenge his father’s death leads to both verbal and physical conflict. Even Hamlet himself enjoys his own moments of frustration, slandering his duplicitous and incestuous uncle in private scenes and soliloquies. Unlike many traditional revenge tales, however, Hamlet also illuminates the question of the morality of revenge itself: whether or not the adage of “an eye for an eye” may…
There are three ways in which restitution is presented in this novel. Restitution is presented through Claude’s self-realization, Dany’s morality of inflicting harm on others, and through the dew breaker’s scar. These are very important to the reader because they help us understand these characters, and their morals. The author implements the theme of restitution in the novel by deliberately adding stories of characters that connect to this idea. Restitution in this novel is not about getting revenge, but is about allowing each character to experience growth and change without getting stuck in their own world.…
There are many differences between realism and theatricalism. Realism consists of any type of play that is based off of real life events. And theatricalism is the complete opposite. It doesn’t consist of any real life events and they aren’t supposed to do such.…
In a time of weakness we often see how the power of human nature can push ordinary people to commit acts of violence for the wrong doings suffered at his or her hands. Creasy and Montresor clearly display similar actions through their desire for revenge, their course of action, and their vindictive outcomes.…
Hamlet is a very popular example of a revenge tragedy, yet still a very extreme case of a revenge tragedy, extreme in the sense that the web of revenge spiraled out of control, and caused a vary tragic ending with the lives of many key figures throughout the play lost due to revenge. Shakespeare may have tried to teach a lesson throughout the play using the theme of revenge, he may have tried to show that revenge is…