A Tiger vs a Cat
-Difference between Chinese and Western Education-
Midterm Research Paper
Tara Vassallo
November 9, 2011
According to A cultural perspective for the differences between Chinese education and Western education, there are considerable differences between Chinese and Western education due to the influence of culture and history. What’s more, the article- Views on differences between Chinese and Western education from quality education and Analysis of the differences between Chinese education and Western -show the differences on school and family education specifically and separately. Chinese education is characterized by setting diversified strict rules and regulations on students; Whereas, Western students get more freedom and chances to choose and develop what they really interested in. Generally speaking, Chinese students usually are good law-keeper and possess solid basic foundation but lacking creative spirit. Western kids are more independently and do good jobs on innovation. However, they don not stress too much on discipline and hard working. Zhao and Bai said in Draw inspiration from comparing that Chinese and Western education should learn from each other (1999, p. 46). Therefore, integrating the essence of these two education systems will come up with a better one.
Tiger VS Cat
Difference between Chinese education and Western Education
At the beginning of 2011, a book named “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother” set off a storm in United States. Amy Chua, the author and Chinese American professor at Yale Law School, is known as “Tiger mother” because of her strike demands on her children’s education. Although her hash parental discipline is filled with overworking, Chua cultivates two excellent daughters. Later, an article-“Why Chinese mothers are superior” puts the Chinese and Western education pattern on PK potentially. American mothers are
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