A multi-agency approach is a range of professionals including speech therapists, Special Educational Needs Co-coordinator (SENCO) , key workers or physiotherapists etc. that all work together and support children and their families in provisions that need to be made in order to support a child with special needs. Working within close partnership with parents is expected for all babies and children within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
‘Early years practitioners have a key role to play in working with parents to support their young children. This should include identifying learning needs and responding quickly to any difficulties. Wherever appropriate, practitioners should work together with professionals from other agencies, such as local and community health and social services, to identify needs and provide the best learning opportunities for children. Partnership working may be required in particular for a child with disabilities or a child who is looked after in care.’ (Early Years Foundation Stage Practice Guidance 2008 pg. 6)
When factors concerning a child’s ability to learn are beginning to emerge, partnership working with parents and other professionals is most important as the earlier this is identified the more likely early intervention can prevent unusual aspects of a child’s development or behavior developing into persistent difficulty. When practioners work together with good communication and share information this can prevent time being wasted in giving support to the child with special educational needs (SEN) it helps to identify the issues quicker and act upon this as information is clearly passed between agencies, at my placement the SENCO of the setting has all the phone numbers of the agencies she is currently working with as she is supporting a child with speech difficulties, she invites all the practitioners to a meeting to discuss the progress and share any new information and give feedback she has in order to move forward