Moreover, what success is not only making a huge sum of money but also making our own dreams come true. Not everyone is giving weight money to a high position and what he or she wants is to accomplish his or her dreams. Different people have different dreams and some of the dreams may require a high level of education such as being a doctor or a lawyer in Hong Kong. It is necessary for the one who has these dreams to have a good academic result in A-Level exam and finish the university study to get the certification. However, some dreams do not claim any degree such as travelling around the world and having a perfectly satisfactory family. Therefore, we can grasp that how essential a university education is according to the one’s dreams but university education is
Moreover, what success is not only making a huge sum of money but also making our own dreams come true. Not everyone is giving weight money to a high position and what he or she wants is to accomplish his or her dreams. Different people have different dreams and some of the dreams may require a high level of education such as being a doctor or a lawyer in Hong Kong. It is necessary for the one who has these dreams to have a good academic result in A-Level exam and finish the university study to get the certification. However, some dreams do not claim any degree such as travelling around the world and having a perfectly satisfactory family. Therefore, we can grasp that how essential a university education is according to the one’s dreams but university education is