Work cited “Guns in American households”. Cogressional Digest Nov99, col. 78 Issue 11: 263-266. Web. EBSCOhost. April. 9 . Kates Jr, Don B. “GUN CONTROL: Can it work?”. National Review May 15 1981: 540-542.web. EBSCOhost. April 9. Linda M, HASSELSTROM. “A Peaceful Woman Explains Why She Carries a Gun”. Patterns For College Writing Laurie G. Kirssner and Stephen R. Mandell. Eds. Bosten: Bedford/st. mortine, 2010. 1-2. Print. Molen, Norma. “Another Mother’s Child: A letter to a Murdered Son.” Successful College Writing KATHLEENT. MCWHORTER. Eds. Bosten: BEDFORD/ST. MARTIN’S, 2010.229-231.Print. Rubin, Lillion. “Guns and Grief”. Patterns For College Laurie G. Kirssner and Stephen R. Mandell. Eds. Writing Bosten: Bedford/st. mortine, 2010. 350-353. Print
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