A useful tool If someone gets into people’s house or wants to robbery people in some places with no one appear, which would people rather have, a handgun or telephone? If policeman cannot get there in time to save people’s life or no one can give people assistance, what would people rather do? Should they ask to god for help or willing to be a victim? It is very ridicules. Obviously, the best choice for people protect themselves is taking a handgun, because the first line of defense is people. However, nowadays, some people strongly opposed that intensive and blind use of handguns may generate one of the most adverse effects on our harmonious society-violent incidents, and also account for the increasingly higher rate of various crimes. According to the article “Another Mother’s Child: A Letter to a Murdered Son”, Norma Molen states that a university student called Anfreas Drexler killed two other students with his handgun in a dormitory, and finally died by shooting himself. This event reflects that a handgun is a kind of fatal weapon for people. Therefore, these people who disagree with having a handgun suggest their government to ban the right to use handguns. Besides, frightened by many incidents of violence and terrorist attacks, people from different countries in the world are growing concerned with their everyday safety. Hence, having an absolutely deterrent weapon, people can easily ward off some dangerous situations such as robbery incidents and intimidation. Moreover, in the United States, most Americans think that everyone who means a person lived in the world and has no mental and psychological problems can arm a legal handgun for protecting him or herself. The article “Gun in American Households” mentions, “Gun advocates regard firearms as an important crime deterrent and the source of protection” (2). In my opinion, everyone should own a handgun for three reasons: a handgun is a form of protection, a tool of advanced technology, and a symbol of power and authority. On the one hand, handguns not only make people safer, but also help other people keep off some terrible violence. Becoming more and more obvious in the modern society, polarization phenomena that means the poor are very poor and the rich are very rich is the main reason, which causes our society unrest. As the pressure of life, many poor people have to do some illegal things; for example, poor people rob other people on the corner of a street, murder rich people in a quiet place, and insult others everywhere. Hence, the rates of criminal are increasing dramatically in our society. Defended people’s life and properties, handgun will become the most important helper to people. According to the article “A Peaceful Woman Explains Why She Carries a Gun”, LINDAM. HASSELSTROM points out “pistol can shift the balance of power and provide a measure of safety”(26). Therefore, a handgun is an essential tool to protect people against some dangerous criminals that lurk around every corner. On the other hand, handguns are not weapons; they are just tools which have more convinces to take and storage than other guns such as hunt guns and rifles. People can put a handgun into their bag when they are walking on a street or hide a handgun under a pillow when they are sleeping. Used is up to the different person holding them, handguns themselves cannot do anything, because it is the person with guns decides where the bullet goes. In the article ”Gun and Grief”, LILLIANB, RUBIN states that “Guns do not kill people, people kill people”(9). Moreover, a violent person does not need a handgun to be violent, because they can use anything to be violent. RUBIN also indicates that although people forbid the use of handguns, it is still difficult to stop people to kill each other (16). Having an effective tool for arming, people can defend their family much better than an unarmed person who can just be a victim. Therefore, a handgun is available for people as a tool of self-defense and it does not mean that people can shoot other people for any reason. Finally, a handgun can represent people’s rights that can supervise governments’ working. If governments limit the rights to people to use a handgun, and then it will take some negative effects on both people and governments. For example, a criminal, who will ignore gun control laws, know that all citizens will not have a handgun to defend themselves, so they can take a safe whenever they set out to rape, rob, or murder someone. According to the article “Gun Control: Can it work?”, Kates Jr, Don B explains that “Banning handguns cannot reduce homicide”(6). People need the government assistance and protection. However, Prohibiting the use of a handgun, people will get more and more hurt than having a handgun, because they cannot protect themselves without the rights to use handgun. Moreover, threatened by people get too more strengths and authorities that can make a big trouble to rules, governments resolutely deprive the rights to use handguns. Thus, the result of banning handgun will also make governments become an exploit and finally will be removed by people, because the government lost the confidence of the people. It is like HASSELSTROM illustrates “power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”(25). Therefore, the rulers have to delegate the rights to people to use handgun and give a good help to people when they got hurt by violence. To sum up, everyone need own a handgun for defending him or herself, because the handgun just is a useful tool and it also can help people to oversee their governments’ behaviors. In the future, with the developing of our modern society, people’s opinions will get more and more wide, they will aware that how important to hold a gun and protect themselves.
Work cited “Guns in American households”. Cogressional Digest Nov99, col. 78 Issue 11: 263-266. Web. EBSCOhost. April. 9 . Kates Jr, Don B. “GUN CONTROL: Can it work?”. National Review May 15 1981: 540-542.web. EBSCOhost. April 9. Linda M, HASSELSTROM. “A Peaceful Woman Explains Why She Carries a Gun”. Patterns For College Writing Laurie G. Kirssner and Stephen R. Mandell. Eds. Bosten: Bedford/st. mortine, 2010. 1-2. Print. Molen, Norma. “Another Mother’s Child: A letter to a Murdered Son.” Successful College Writing KATHLEENT. MCWHORTER. Eds. Bosten: BEDFORD/ST. MARTIN’S, 2010.229-231.Print. Rubin, Lillion. “Guns and Grief”. Patterns For College Laurie G. Kirssner and Stephen R. Mandell. Eds. Writing Bosten: Bedford/st. mortine, 2010. 350-353. Print