Honour is a very important in this play, specially for Eddie and Marco, who are the “alpha males” of the house more or less, because Eddie is from the beginning the boss at his house, but when he threatens Rodolpho, Marco tries to show Eddie that he is also a strong man and that he cannot do that to HIS brother. It means far more to them than the law. To be honorauble is to be respected, and this is show in the chair scene, where Marco is showin his strength to Eddie to protect his brother. If you do something dishonourable, you lose respect. That is why Eddie and Marco are always protecting their names and get a ‘just’ conclusion. The honour bind families and the whole neighbourhood with a sense of community. Everyone should look out for one another, to betray someone is the most dishonourable action someone can do, we can see the consequences of this in the story of Vinny Bolzano and the same Eddie Carbone, both end up dead because they had betrayed their families.
The main character that are linked with this theme are Eddie and Marco, but there are others linked with it indirectly, like Beatrice and Rodolpho.
Eddie is always over protecting Catherine, he is nearly obsessed with her, this is why when he arrives drunk to his house and saw Cathering straightening her skirt, because Rodolpho has just ‘teached her how to be woman’ and then he kisses Catherine, and Rodolpho! . Eddie will become completely crazy because of his obsession with Catherine “there is nobody here now. Come inside. Come.” This is the moment where the future of the whole house will completely change, Rodolpho is getting Catherine to the room and this exact fact will make Eddie calls the immigration.
Eddie is always worried about his reputation and this leads to honour because he wants his name and his family to be seen as an honourable