English 1101
A Visual Analysis of Advertising Techniques
Got milk? Those two little words started a phenomenon that swept across America and eventually became recognized throughout the world. What started in October 1993 as an attempt by the National Milk Processing Board to increase sales and raise awareness of the health benefits of drinking milk has turned into a multi-million dollar cash cow. They created a witty slogan that lures you in and then combined it with the bold, black typeface that is centered on a plain white background. This slogan has reached out to all walks of life: no matter their age, race or their economic status. How can two words attract so much fanfare? The answer can be found in the simplicity with which this marketing campaign began. This style of advertising leaves you, the consumer, asking yourself “do I have milk?” The minimalism of this ad has since evolved to include various celebrities, like Cindy Crawford, athletes such as Charles Barkley, and cartoon characters like Garfield sporting a milk mustache, holding a glass of milk, employing the slogan “got milk?” Most include a brief message about the values and benefits of drinking milk as opposed to sodas or sports drinks. Along with printed ads found in magazines, newspaper and on billboards the “got milk?” campaign also uses television ads to broadcast their message. According to the Got Milk website, the campaign has successfully increased awareness to the health benefits of drinking milk significantly since 1995. Subsequently, the “got milk?” slogan has been licensed and trademarked for use on a number of products worldwide from baby and teen clothing to Barbie dolls and Hot Wheels. This slogan has become so popular across the world that it is recognized as an international icon that has been parodied more than any other ad slogan. Some of the most popular parodies derived from the "got milk?"
Cited: Got milk? Official web site www.gotmilk.com got milk? By Douglas B. Holt, L 'Oreal Professor of Marketing, University of Oxford