The writer is Talking about Charles Newman in the story
Charles is a dear friend of the writer
The writer views Charles as beautiful
Other people think Charles is beautiful
The beauty the writer sees in Charles is not hindered by anything he says or does
Charles has soft blonde hair and blue eyes
Charles is unmarried
"The thing I liked least about Charlie was his way of carrying on with several women at a time..." P.56
Charles has a steady girlfriend
Charles has a side girlfriend
Although Charles is imperfect the writer expresses still seeing the beauty in Charles
The writer rates the Subject in a way to present the flaws of the character but also the ability to love him in spite of it.
The writer expresses being close to beauty can make one feel more beautiful and worthy themselves regardless of their own inherent qualities
Charles was loyal to friends
Charles had a way with people
Charles was blessed with good looks, this made things easier for him, and his friends.
Charles enjoyed the finer things, such as museums and art
It's not easy to abandon the idea that beauty can never really be skin deep, that genuine beauty is not only unproblematic but also somehow a sign of an essential goodness. P.57
The writer equates beauty with wholesomeness
The writer is male and married
The writer has no need to fear Charles beauty
Charles is slightly flawed but a person who none the less was "Beautiful".
Charles is better able to understand or relate to the people around him because his beauty does more than simply draw people to him, it puts him in situations where he is able to understand or relate to the people around him because of it
I couldn't understand why the writer chose Charles as the subject
I did identify with dismissing my loved ones flaws
I also identified with dismissing some of the actions of attractive people
I liked the point about, beautiful people being able to lead and teach