The ''Greasy Lake" seems to be influence by Bruce Springsteen ''Spirit in the Night". It is like used an epigraph from his song even though its not about the characters of the story. The characters and actions are completely made up. The ''Greasy Lake'' seemed to just imitate the song and take on its a free spirit.…
I wanted to write about the narrator about Greasy Lake because I found him to be really pretentious and agravating. His character is shown when he says: "We were bad. We read Andre Gide and struck…
The “Greasy Lake” was told in a first-person narrator that was left unnamed. The author choice to write about the character who was talking about their rebellious faze of their life. From this point of view you can tell as if the character is telling someone of their teenage years and all they dumb things they did in order to be cool. For example, “We wore torn-up leather jackets, slouched around with toothpicks in our mouths, sniffed glue and ether and what somebody claimed was cocaine.” (306) this shows how they wanted to give off the look of being a bad boy but wanted to seem to be cool with their friends. Reading the story as if it was coming from the characters own mouth, made the tale more real instead of the possibility that it was made…
Sammy is a young teen who works at the grocery store. He is just like any other teen checking out everything going on. One day, he spots three teen girls walking through the door. This begins to show Sammy’s true emotions and character in the story “A&P”. Sammy shows that he is very observant, different, and dissatisfied.…
The first change of the narrator’s character is when he finds the body of whom we later find out to be Al in the lake. Prior to this happening he and his friends were joking around and being the average adolescent of the time but they made the wrong mistake of flashing lights at the wrong person and ended up getting into a fight with a “…Very bad greasy character” who actually is bad and then they try to rape a girl. When the narrator tries to swim through the lake to get away from the new attackers that pull up he runs into the dead body, which then starts to trigger a change in the narration and stray away from the ideal of being bad. The only thing he wants to do at this point is get away from Greasy Lake and more importantly that dead body.…
The third night of summer the narrator and three boys take off looking for adventure in their “parents whining station wagon”(S1) (Boyle 77). The narrator characterizes himself as a “dangerous character” (Boyle 77) although driving his parent’s station wagon hardly counts as being dangerous. The narrator and two of his friends drive up to “Greasy Lake” looking for something to do. “The Indians had called it Wakan a reference to the clarity of its waters” (Boyle 77) (S2). The once clear waters refers to the current state of the boys and the lake described now as “fetid and murky” (Boyle 77) (S3) refers…
John Updike’s “A&P” is a story of a young boy Sammy, a cashier at A&P supermarket who allows his romantic desires and his anger overcome him and in the end winds up quitting his job. John Updike shows how Sammy goes from an immature young boy with lots of imaginary ideas and fantasies, to a young man who about to realize how life altering the choices he makes can be. Updike teaches us that actions and decision that we make in life have consequences and that either we like it or not we are responsible for our own actions. Sammy is simply an immature young man, not a person of principle. Sammy’s immaturity can be seen through his reactions, interaction and attitudes toward its customers, the three girls visiting the store, the “A&P” establishment, and the staff. The immaturity led him to quit his job as a cashier without thinking it through or realize the consequence.…
The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate how the lake in Maine reminds White that he is an adult. By comparing his son’s actions with his own behavior years before, and by describing the lake’s appearance, White soon accepts…
We have all had that moment of clarity when we realize, no longer children, our decisions can greatly impact the course of our future. A&P gives an insight into the main character’s realization of how he perceives his life, the lives of those around him, and how with one impulsive decision he forever changed the course of his life. Sammy, the narrator of A&P, is a 19 year old boy whose assumption of others, dislike of conformity, and his rash decision making exemplify teenage discovery, that our actions impact our future.…
Greasy lakes is an excellent yet outrageous story, due to the descriptions and comparisons that Tom Coraghessan Boyle throws at his readers. Its these mysterious descriptions and comparisons, that hold the key in identifying the hidden symbols in this story. Three major symbols are the name Greasy, the narrator gives the lake, the lake itself and how the narrator‘s filth reflects on the lake , and the mislaid car keys. These symbols played an immense part in the revelation of the narrorator “bad character”.…
There comes a time in every young man's life for him to break a barrier of reality to go from invincibility to mortality. They have to take that leap forward gradually, but as they do they will make mistakes along the way and have to learn from the bad ones. The short story “Greasy Lake” by T. Coraghessan Boyle is about three young men who have to break that barrier of reality in one horrible night by making mistake after mistake, only they have to learn from their mistakes quickly or they wont get out of their bad situation. There are two different symbols, themes, and characters that have meaning to it in this story. The symbols are the key being lost, and the water itself signifies a rebirth. The themes that are seen in this story are that the point of view was told from an older person looking back at his younger years and that he would have to learn from the mistakes of the past. The characters that have meanings to them are the main character and Bobby (the bad guy).…
An epiphany is when a character comes to realization of discovery in his or life based on what was seen or experienced. Usually, an epiphany is made at the end of a story. In “A & P,” the epiphany for the story is when the main character, Sammy realizes that it there is going to be hardships in life after he quits his job. He realizes this because as he looks at his previous boss, Sammy notices that he could not quit as fast as he did. He took up for the girls that were being insulted, but did he need to quit his job in defense for the girls that would pay him no mind? In “Greasy Lake,” the speaker wanted the reader think he was a “bad” kid, but was he as bad as he thought? He drank a weak wine, grape juice and gin, and drove his parent’s station wagon. The epiphany made at the end of the story was that the speaker and his friends were not as bad as he thought they were. To be frankly honest, they really did not know what bad was from the start. These two stories are very similar when learning life experiences, and letting the character know who they are as people.…
The plot of the story "A&P" comprises of three young modern girls, a young man, Sammy, the store manager and some other people. The vent is the arrival of the young girls in the A&P store in a small town of the New England. As the people see the girls with astonishment, and manager raises objections over their swimsuits, Sammy leaves the job due to his manager's misbehavior with the girl.…
As people age, maturity and wisdom is gained through every experiences. From the time a child turns eighteen and becomes an adult, they are required to deal with the realities of the real world and learn how to handle its responsibilities. In John Updike's short story, "A&P", the protagonist Sammy, a young boy of nineteen, makes a drastic change to his life fueled by nothing more than his immaturity and desire to do what he wants and because of that, he has do deal with the consequences.…
The story A&P by John Updike opens with little introduction of the main character, who is named Sammy. He works at a small grocery store in a little town that borders a high end resort called the Point. We also find out that the setting of “A&P” is just north of Boston, thus the reader can imagine that it is a tiny seaside village amid more expensive areas. Throughout the short story, class tensions created by this setting become clearer.…