Chapter 1: Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology
I. Introduction
A. The interests of our earliest ancestors most likely concerned
B. Primitive people certainly suffered from C. Before agriculture, infectious diseases did not spread easily because
D. With agriculture, humans became susceptible to worm diseases because
E. With urbanization, humans became more susceptible to and F. Tooth decay was lowest among and highest among G. Preserved bones from children can reflect malnutrition because
H. At first healers had to rely on
I. The forerunners of modern drugs were J. Early medical providers developed the language of anatomy and physiology from
II. Anatomy and Physiology
A. Anatomy is B. Physiology is C. Anatomists rely on D. Physiologists rely on E. Anatomy and Physiology are difficult to separate because
F. The anatomy of the hand, which is , allows it to grasp objects. G. The structure of the heart includes which allows it to propel blood into blood vessels. H. The heart valves ensure I. The shape of the mouth allows it J. Teeth can function to break solid foods because K. A recent anatomical discovery is L. A recent physiological discovery is M. Researchers have recently sequenced which will help explain anatomy and physiology at the and levels.
III. Levels of Organization
A. All materials are made of B. Chemicals consist of tiny particles called C. Examples of atoms are D. When atoms chemically bond together