A TALE OF TWO CITIES Through the book A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, the author displays many different themes. I am going to focus on the Changing Views in a A Tale Of Two Cities.. All through the book, Charles Dicken's portrayal of France, England, the revollution and the poele undergo many changes. The reader's view of the characters changes as the plot develops. During the "Book the first", the reader sympathises with the common people of France and despises the aristocrats. Dickens emphasizes the poverty of the common people in France making the reader pity and sympathize with them. He calls them "scarecrows" and "clad in rags". Dickens tells us how the common people were so poor that when a bottle of wine was broken in the street they kneeled down to sip it.. Dickens also makes a metaphor of the common people to "rats who crept out of their holes". This shows us that the common people were undergoing subhuman conditions while the aristocracy was living life in luxury. The reader begins to hate the aristocracy when Dickens shows how the aristocracy exploited the common people. We see this in Dicken's portrayal of Marquis St Evermonde. This aristocrat shows selfishness and dominance over the common people of France. He has no respect for the common people. This is apparent when he cold hartedly runs over an innocent child with his carriage. After he runs the child over, he does not stop his carriage, he throws a coin to the child's parent, thinking that the coin is make up for the child's life. This act portrays the nobility's no respect for life. It also portrays the coldness and unsympathtic atitude of France's nobiliyt. Dickens makes the reader despise the French nobility by showing us these acts. Throught the development of the novel, this feeling changes. In "Book the Third". In "Book the third", the massacre of Foulon is graphically described to the reader
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