China extraordinary economic growth, industrialization, and urbanization coupled with inadequate investiment in basic water supply and treatment infrastructure, have resulted in widespread water pollution. In China today, approximately 700 million people over half of the pollution consume drinking water contaminated with level of animals and human excreta that exceed maximum permissible levels in rural areas and and in urban areas. By the year 2000 the volume of the wastewater produced could double from 1990 levels to almost 78 billion tons. Water pollution from small rural industries is also a serius problem throughout China. Over half all river section monitored for water quality are rated as being unsafe for human contact. Therefore all of this situations shows that China faces a serius problems with water pollution.
Exposure to mercury, even in small amounts is a great danger to humans and wildlife. When mercury enters the body it acts as a neurotoxin, which means it harms oir brain and