Type A personality
A personality pattern characterized by hostility, cynicism, drivenness, impatience, competitiveness, and ambition. Produces continual stress and often leads to coronary heart disease.
Know the difference between the anxiety and stress disorders and symptoms
GENERALIZED ANXIETY DISORDER (GAD)- A disorder marked by persistent and excessive feelings of anxiety and worry about numerous events and activities Symptoms- Excessive or ongoing anxiety and worry for several months, Restlessness &/or muscle tension, Behavior may be affected by anxiety, Significant distress
ACUTE STRESS DISORDER- A disorder in which fear and related symptoms are experienced soon after a traumatic event and last less than a month
POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER (PTSD)- A disorder in which fear and related symptoms continue to be experienced long after a traumatic event Symptoms: Exposure to a traumatic event, Recurrent involuntary distressing memories, flashbacks, &/or dreams, Persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with event, Negative changes in cognitions and moods, Marked changes in arousal and reactivity, Significant distress lasting longer than a month
An event creating demands.
Know the somatic and dissociative disorders
SOMATIC SYMPTOM DISORDER- A disorder in which people become excessively distressed, concerned, and anxious about bodily symptoms they are experiencing. CONVERSION DISORDER- Disorder in which medically unexplained bodily symptoms affect voluntary motor and sensory functions BODY DYSMORPHIC DISORDER- Disorder marked by excessive worry that some aspect of the person’s physical appearance is defective. The perceived defect is imagined or greatly exaggerated. ILLNESS ANXIETY DISORDER- Disorder in which people are chronically anxious about and preoccupied with the notion that they have or are developing a serious medical illness, despite the absence of substantial somatic symptoms. (hypochondriac)