In the summer of 1976 West Point military academy was rocked by a scandal involving a large percentage of its junior class. A number of junior classmen were found to have violated rules on a “take home” engineering exam that consisted of two parts. Part 1 of the exam was to be completed individually without assistance. Part 2 of the exam was to be completed as a group activity. Instructors upon grading the exams discovered a trend where contents of Part I had been duplicated or copied in a large number of examinations graded.…
There is a new brand of “smart” cheaters. Cheaters that are simply trying to achieve their tragically high goals, and who have found that it has become unacceptable to drop a single ball that they are juggling whilst jumping through the flaming hoops of potential colleges. Wenke argues that students who would normally not be susceptible to evil are almost forced into cheating. This happens when they realize that the students who do cheat are typically more successful and have slightly higher test scores than those who don’t. Wenke closes by warning that these “smart” cheaters are going to be the same people who become heads of businesses and presidents of big corporations. She recommends that we think about the future issues that come with having cheaters rule our country, and suggests that when the thirst for knowledge returns in a student’s mind, and the desire for the grade without the work dissolves, cheating will finally begin its…
Students have lost confidence in themselves and are now being walked over by others. I hear common stories from my classmates about how someone cheated off of their homework or test, but they don’t want to say anything to the teachers. They have allowed themselves to assume the role of the pushover. The cheaters in this situation are sometimes talked into it by their friends. They are told the only way to pass a teachers class is to cheat, or that “it’s only homework,” or the classic, “a class that cheats together, passes together.” By encouraging my friends to always reject those trying to use them for answers, there has been a decrease in cheating in our classes. If students across the country were the ones to go out and preach not cheating, our society would be much better off. Instead of saying, “a class that cheats together, passes together,” students should be saying, “a class that stays together, goes to the unemployment office together.” The habit of cheating and following the crowd in school will follow students into their future endeavors. Students have failed to make the connection between their actions now and their lives down the line. Though they may get a passing grade now, students are depriving themselves of knowledge the will need to be successful in the long run. For these reasons, it is necessary to encourage students to speak out against cheating. Doing so would…
Students commonly utilize unethical study habits throughout grades 8-12. The severity of these habits not being exhibited until late high school throughout college; giving students no time for the refinement of their negative patterns. By the time many of these pupils understand the significance of cheating, actions can not be taken to prevent their set-in-stone habits. This makes it necessary to take action when it comes to the deflection of the desire to cheat. Paloma Valley High School needs to revise the current honor system in a way that deters cheating while motivating students to succeed individually.…
“Cheating is taking work done by somebody else […] and saying it is yours.” (Colleen Wenke 532). Through the use of contrast, surveys, credibility, and emotions, Wenke is able to successfully make her claim that cheating will decline only when the need for a grade without the work diminishes and the desire for knowledge is resurrected in a student’s mind.…
Koch, K. (2000, September 22). Cheating in schools. CQ Researcher, 10, 745-768. Retrieved from…
Cheating on an examination is one of the riskiest things that you could do during your high school years. However, its reward is sometimes remarkable, especially when you have several exams in one day or have to face the hardest exam of the year. Even though there are many methods used to become a professional-examination cheater, including technology and expensive tools applied in the cheating process, you should first master the classic method if you have never cheated before. There are three main factors necessary to create a classic cheater; they are mood, eyesight, and technique. If you listen closely and follow these directions appropriately, you will have a higher percentage rate of success as well as survival.…
Though cheating in high school may seem insignificant to most high school students, it is important to make students aware that cheating will not be able to help them get everywhere they want. At some point, students in our school will have to go to college or maybe even a graduate school after that. Though there is little doubt that there will still be ways to cheat, the consequences will be much greater; years of tuition down the drain, the possibility of criminal charges, and blemished record forever. By instituting more concrete disciplinary action for cheating now, students will be deterred from cheating in high school and hopefully later in life. By extending those punishments to not only the students who cheat but those who give answers and aid in cheating, students can be more involved in preventing cheating. Students would most likely not put their grades on the line just to give someone else an advantage over them and by teaching students that cheaters are taking advantage of them, school leaders can create an environment that deters cheaters from engaging in immoral and ultimately disadvantageous behavior, and that promotes thoughtful, moral…
Cheating with students has increased over the years and nothing has been done to stop it. Everyday students in this world grow lazier and lazier and begin to neglect their school work. Academic cheating is defined as representing someone else’s work as your own. It can take many forms, including sharing another’s work, purchasing a term paper or test questions in advance, or paying another to do the work for you (…
According to the essay “Too Much Pressure” by Colleen Wenke, the reason that students cheat on their tests is because they are under too much pressure to get good grades, which is accurately portrayed since cheating is usually seen as one of the only ways to pass tests and that’s what students are being stressed to do. Based on her essay, teachers should be teaching students right from wrong as opposed to pressuring to the extent of making them cheat. This is important to see because it is a way to solve a worldwide problem that can possibly, greatly affect the future. Wenke structures her essay in a way which we are in the perspective of a student, then documenting the process she went through, explaining more as she continues. Wenke uses devices such as premises and anecdotes to support her judgment.…
Cheating has become a common behavior in today’s college classrooms. Most students have pondered with the idea of cheating at one time or another during their college education. It seems to have become easier to act upon this urgent to cheat and fell less guilty about it, totally disregarding the consequences. The most common reason for cheating, that I have experienced in college, is the urgency to complete ones course work at a more rapid pace.…
The wizard of Oz is a non-fictional novel for young readers. It created a world to show how bad the gilded age was. The characters represented things from that time. Dorothy represented everyman as in the citizens. Scarecrow represented the farmers because farmers didn’t use their head when needed. Tin-man was the industrial workers, and lastly the lion represented Jennings Bryon populist. My favorite character in this book is tin-man because he shows loving emotions through the entire book even without a heart…
Over the past years cheating has become a difficult epidemic to American schools, but over time, a value of knowledge can be built into the minds of today’s students. With a value of knowledge, students' main priority will be to learn new information about themselves and the world, and not their letter grade. The remaining cheating students will be shut down by peer disapproval, and cheating will be a past problem for America’s schools.…
“Cheating has become so common, experts say, That it often goes unreported and unpunished,” said by Zernike in the Article,”With Students Cheating on the Rise, More Colleges are Turning to Honor Codes.” Without a doubt cheating has become more prevalent is both colleges and high schools. However, some people may question if certain types of cheating are okay and not dishonest and others dishonest. For example, some people may think copying a homework assignment is not a big deal and dishonest while other people think that cheating on exams is dishonest. In addition, some people may resort to cheating when they are not too aware of the material they are trying to learn when it comes to being tested and others do it for the good grade, not because they don’t know it. Also, many studies and surveys have been conducted at various school and I have noticed from the free responses that people are only attending school for the good grade and not to learn. In recent surveys conducted at Point Loma High School, have shown that cheating is a spreading epidemic common…
Students feel to cheat once in a while and feel bad about it but, never do it again. Students start cheating and take advangtage and don't stop . Whether that student get caught cheating or not he/she feel embrassed,guilty,and scard about what they do.Students that are caught…