The advantages of going to college directly after high school is you’ll still have the knowledge you’ve learned from elementary up to high school still etched in your mind. The disadvantages of not going to college directly after high school is that you just might not go to college for example I graduated from high school in “98” and I started a new job working at Lowe’s then in “04” gave birth to my first child then in “09” gave birth to my second child. I’m still working at Lowe’s I now have two children and I just decided to attend college. What I’m trying to say is that if I would’ve went to college right after high school I would have graduated from college and working in my criminal justice field and not working a Lowe’s.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of getting some work experience before going to college?
The advantages of getting work experience before going to college is that you get a chance to experience what the real world is like having to work a 9 to 5 getting discipline with following policy and procedures. The disadvantages of getting some work experience before going to college is that you might stuck in a job that you don’t want to leave because you think that the money is good I started working a Lowe’s over 12 years ago and had two kids in the process and I choose to work over going to college.
What is your own personal “starting point” in terms of past schooling and work experience? My personal starting point was working at Lowe’s even though I’m still working there I know that, that’s not my dream job and if I continue to put Lowe’s ahead of my dream job which is being a crime scene investigator. So thanks to my best friend telling me about do online classing I wouldn’t be here. So here I am a better life for my two girls and