The importance of up to date and accurate information and advice to the young people we care for is crucial, more so for the young people we are catering for as their behavioural needs are of a demanding nature and they need clarity when asking questions, to be able to give clean consice answers and asking the young person to repeat what was said to clarify helps de-escalate situations, puts young peoples minds at ease and also promotes trust in that adult. If we provide information that has been superceeded then we are undermining ourselves, eg: “child A you cant go to the city on your own as you haven’t completed any form of independent trip and it wouldn’t be safe” and then finding out that it had been agreed that going into the city would be the first step for their planned independence but you haven’t been told due to lack of communication. This then has a huge impact on that relationship with that child. They don’t feel that you care because you didn’t know about the plan, they think that your untrust worthy and change your mind. All of this can be avoided with being able to effectively communicate and provide to the young people up to date advice and information. The same priniciple applies when dealing with things like medical issues, some adults in the home may have some medical training but if they speak out of turn and try and diagnose or offer advice which is no longer relevant they they too could damage their relationship although having said that I have been quite negative the positives to providing up to date information and advice are the polar opposites, they help build firm relationships based on trust and acknowledgement of need and desire to help, belief in what you are saying