Pre-colonial Economies:
Earliest economies based on hunting, fishing and gathering food
Crop cultivation/Livestock management
Produce surplus food
Specialize in food production of other markets
Allowed to develop commercial networks
- Portuguese voyages of exploration brought costal societies into contact with international economy
- The demand for slaves arose with the development of European-owned sugar plantations
- Most immediate economic impact of slave trade loss of an enormous source of productive human labor and the resultant redistribution of population
Legitimate trade
Vegetable oils
Palm kernels
Influence of Colonialism:
Economic impact was significant and varied
Affection production, distribution, consumption
- European factories wanted agricultural crops and minerals
Copper, diamond, gold, cobalt, manganese
Forced labor was not uncommon “assisted”
- Also affected infrastructure
New distribution system
Roads and railroads
** Colonialism did not originate to assist African countries to develop economically originated to benefit European countries
Post-colonial development strategies:
- Agriculture sector was ignored industrialization took over
Hurt many economies and agriculture sector
Africans realized that economic was necessary, but they were not able to achieve it
- Former colonies remained dependent on former colonizers and dependent on wealthy, developed nations in general
Current Issues:
- have experienced economic problems since 1960’s
- affected social aspects of development
Health, education, quality of life
Goals to be obtained by 2012:
1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
2. Achieve universal primary education
3. Promote gender equality
4. Eliminate gender disparities in primary and secondary educations
5. Reduce child morality
6. Improve maternal health
7. Combat HIV/AIDS, and malaria….
8. Ensure environmental stability
- made little or no progress