I believe that parents should give monthly allowance because sooner or later that child is going to become an adult. When that child becomes an adult, hopefully, they would have a job. Since that adult would have a job, they would be getting money from their job either monthly or every two weeks on average. When they acquire this job money, they would need to have a plan on how to balance their money that they get, which money would go to food, bills, savings, etc. If that adult would have gotten a monthly allowance from their parents when they were little, they would already be ahead of the game with organizing their money like which money for food, savings, and extras like clothing. With this kind of earl on training, I think it would make a person more balanced and that is one reason why I think that parents should give their children a monthly allowance.
My second reason that parents should give allowance to their children a monthly allowance is because children are not going to be good every single second of the day. If a parent just gives their child