Alternative Energy Sources
Energy is all around us. Almost everything that you can see or touch is energy or took energy to make. Even our bodies are made up and made from energy and we can also produce energy but it takes energy to do so. So when you think of it in that way how can anyone say that the United States and even the world may be entering an energy crisis? We are though and some parts of the world already have. Even though it maybe true that some sources of nonrenewable energy sources are virtually inexhaustible because of technological advancements. However, these resources such coal, oil, and natural gas are slowly killing us, the environment, and the whole world we live in. This is because fossil fuels such as those previously mentioned give off greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) which cause smog and allow harmful radiation from the sun to penetrate our atmosphere. This problem is continually getting worse because we continue to use more and more of these fossil fuels every year. This is mainly because of population growth, inefficient buildings, lighting, and automobiles, and a general wasteful attitude towards energy. In fact 43 percent of all commercial energy produced is wasted unnecessarily because of factors Lloyd 2
such as these. If we could be as completely efficient in energy use as technologically possible we would only need the current amount of electricity provided by the hydroelectric power plants to satisfy most of out electrical needs. This sadly is almost impossible to achieve considering that you would need to rebuild buildings to insulate them better and redesign appliances to make them run efficiently. Even something as simple as an incandescent light bulb wastes 95 percent of its energy input (Miller 392-391). There is only one answer to this ever-increasing problem: alternative sources of energy. This idea is not a new one it has been being explored