1) The study of the muscular system is known as
a) kinesiology.
b) pathophysiology.
c) myology.
d) biology.
e) neurology.
2) All of the following are functions of muscles except
a) stability.
b) heat production.
c) control of openings.
d) secretion.
e) respiration.
3) What term best describes the relationship between the pronator teres and supinator?
a) Fixators
b) Antagonists
c) Synergists
d) prime movers
e) depressors
4) Muscle fibers are arranged in bundles called
a) compartments.
b) fascicles.
c) retinacula.
d) aponeuroses.
e) groups.
5) What separates groups of muscles?
a) Epimysium
b) Fascicles
c) Perimysium
d) Fascia
e) endomysium
6) Which of the following muscles is the prime mover for inhalation?
a) internal intercostals
b) external intercostals
c) diaphragm
d) stylohyoid
e) hyoglossus
7) Which of the following extensors of the head is the most superficial?
a) Trapezius
b) semispinalis capitis
c) splenius capitis
d) sternocleidomastoid
e) temporalis
8) The occipitalis and frontalis are connected via the
a) galea retinaculum.
b) galea aponeurotica.
c) galea cranium.
d) galea orbicularis.
e) galea neurotica.
9) Which of the following muscles of facial expression is not innervated by the facial nerve?
a) orbicularis oculi
b) zygomaticus major
c) corrugator supercilii
d) levator palpebrae superioris
e) buccinator
10) The ________ originates on the zygomatic arch and inserts on the angle of the mandible.
a) Masseter
b) Buccinators
c) Temporalis
d) Genioglossus
e) stylohyoid
11) Which one of these muscles helps to open the mouth (depress the mandible)?
a) zygomaticus major
b) digastric
c) sternohyoid
d) depressor anguli oris
e) hyoglossus
12) Which of the following muscles of mastication would be responsible for mandibular elevation?
a) Temporalis
b) lateral pterygoid
c) stylohyoid
d) zygomaticus major
e) zygomaticus minor
13) The aponeurosis of the