A stylized character of the Latin et used to represent the word and. Definition: The typographic symbol used to designate the word and (& ) is the Latin symbol for et which means and. The name, ampersand , is believed to be derived from the phrase “and per se and.” On a standard English layout...
Anatomy of Type / Type Glossary
The partially enclosed, somewhat rounded negative space in some characters. Definition: The aperture is the partially enclosed, somewhat rounded negative space in some characters such as n, C, S, the lower part of e, or the upper part of a double-storey a. Also Known As: counter In typography, a counter or aperture is an area entirely or partially...
Anatomy of Type / Type Glossary
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A point at the top of a character where two strokes meet. Definition: The point at the top of a character such as the uppercase A where the left and right strokes meet is the apex. The apex may be a sharp point, blunt, or rounded and is an identifying feature for some typefaces. Also...
Anatomy of Type / Type Glossary
Arc of Stem
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A curved stroke that is continuous with a straight stem.
Anatomy of Type / Type Glossary
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A horizontal or upward, sloping stroke that does not connect to a stroke or stem on one or both ends. Definition: The arm of a letter is the horizontal stroke on some characters that does not connect to a stroke or stem at one or both ends. The top of the capital T and the...
Anatomy of Type / Type Glossary
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An upward vertical stroke found on the part of lowercase letters that extends above the typeface’s x-height. Definition: In typography, the upward vertical stem on some lowercase letters, such as h and b, that extends above the x-height is the ascender. The height of the ascenders is an identifying characteristic of many typefaces. The ascenders...
Anatomy of Type /