From 3500-1500 BCE, Mesopotamia and Egypt emerged as two of the first river- valley civilizations. Although they came to be around the same time, they became different in their cultural aspects, such as universal views and classes, and economies due to differences in commerce.…
Mesopotamia and Egypt were two of the very first civilizations dating back to 3500 BCE. Their cultures were very similar, but were very different. In what ways were their cultures similar and different? Mesopotamia is similar to Egypt in that both were based around a river system and they both created their own form of writing. These two civilizations are very similar, but they are also different in that their structures are used for different purposes and Mesopotamians invented more important things.…
Egypt and Mesopotamia vary drastically in land and geographic features due to its location. They had more differences than similarities which was a cause for the uniquely different cultures of each.…
Along with their outlooks being different, so were the structures of their government and cities. The Mesopotamian civilization was organized in a dozen or more different city states, while the Egyptian civilization maintained unity. This being, cities in Egypt were far less important than in Mesopotamia. Each city-state in Mesopotamia was ruled by a different king, that claimed to be that city's patron deity. The Egyptians were ruled by a pharaoh, believed to be a god in human form. This shows that were ruled in very different ways, by very different people. It also shows how different the structure of their cities were.…
The Nile made farming life in Egypt very simple and uncomplicated, whereas the Euphrates and Tigris provided the Mesopotamians with water, but required intensive irrigation designs and hard work. The Nile was predictable and overflowed onto the dry summer soil every year after August 15th. The harvest had already been gathered by this time, and when the river withdrew in early October it gave the Egyptians the perfect conditions to sow their winter crops. When it was time to sow the summer crops the Egyptians used a simple canal system that directed the water from upstream to their fields. The Mesopotamians were not nearly as lucky when it came to natural irrigation with the Euphrates. The Euphrates flooded Mesopotamian land erratically during the late spring, after they had already sown their summer crops and before they had harvested their winter crops. The flooding of the Euphrates essentially offered no benefits, and the management of the canals used to irrigate became labor intensive.…
Historians have come up with certain criteria they believe a society must obtain in order for it to be considered a civilization. These criteria are that the society must be stratified, must contain monumental architecture, and must have a formal system of law and order. Other historians may argue that writing must be part of a society in order for it to be considered a civilization, but that is not a criterion that is certainly agreed upon. According to this definition of a civilization, I conclude that both the ancient societies of Mesopotamia and Athens can both be considered civilizations.…
In the life of Egypt and Mesopotamia there were similarities and differences. There are comparisons in culture, social class, and gender. Also parallelism in their religions existed however, the differences found, clearly define them as individual entities.…
Mesopotamia lies between these two rivers. In greek, Mesopotamia is known as “land between the rivers”. These rivers were a huge essential need to the survival of the Mesopotamian civilization. Once a year, these rivers would flood. Floods are usually thought of as bad, but in this case they allowed for farming to thrive. When these rivers flooded, silt (mud/soil) was carried by them, which resulted in rich soil being placed all over the land. This allowed farmers to plant and harvest large amounts of wheat and barley. The rivers also provided food, water, and protection.…
The root of the differences between the Mesopotamian cultures lies within the politics. The two cultures operated very differently as Mesopotamia was ruled regionally while Egypt used a more centralized government. Kings in the Mesopotamian region formed city states ruled by leaders of their armies while they just oversaw what was going on via these mediums. On the other hand, Egyptian culture featured “god-kings” or pharaohs that controlled much larger expanses of land than Mesopotamian leaders did. Logically, it makes sense that this would occur because of the differences in influence for these two regions. For example, unification of Egypt was inspired by Sudan’s use of small kingdoms that governed the agriculture of the rulers. The Egyptians then faced competition which caused their small kingdoms to conquer neighboring kingdoms to the point where they controlled much larger territories. The notion of kings and pharaohs leads into another difference. Mesopotamian societies featured monarchies as they were led by kings while Egyptians had a theocracy as pharaohs were divine rulers. In Mesopotamia it is figured that their monarchs evolved from men making decisions on behalf of their whole…
Mesopotamian civilizations settled along the Tigris-Euphrates Rivers. Egyptians settled along the Nile River. Both of these civilizations used their rivers as a natural resource to survive. Agriculture was a very important aspect of both civilizations. In Mesopotamia, unpredictable flooding of the Tigris-Euphrates River occurred. Meanwhile in Egypt, the Nile River flooded at least once a year but its flooding was foreseeable. The silt from the flooding of the rivers helped both civilizations in producing food for their people. This silt formed along the banks of the rivers and fertilized the ground. Agriculture thrived and food production flourished for both civilizations.…
There are many similarities that characterize the two governments of Egypt and Mesopotamia. For example, both civilizations had manuscripts and inscriptions. These were written down to make sure that civilians would understand, follow, and obey their laws. These law writers were called Scribes. Their job would be writing things down. Sometimes, there were the only people in the land who were literate. This way, when people were caught disobeying a law, they could not escape the consequences. Also, both Egypt and Mesopotamia had to pay taxes. There were citizens in charge of collecting them. Moreover, the two had kings that were thought to be descendents from the gods. Both surmised that the kings were related gods in the skies. As to that…
How did religion compare between Egypt and Mesopotamia. Both Mesopotamia and Egypt were polytheistic societies. The flooding of the rivers had to do with the consistency of the gods. In both societies priests are at the top of the class system. They play a major part in religion. The gods were pictured differently in these societies. A few of the Egyptian gods were Ra, Anubis, and Osiris. A few of the Mesopotamian gods were Ashur, Anu, and Enki .…
The ancient civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia were very different in some ways and in other ways very much alike. Some of the facts that help contrast these places would include the different varieties in social structure, economics, politics, religion, and even the geography of each area. Even though both of these civilizations were in and around the Middle East each had a very varied view on factors such as which God’s to worship and how to run their kingdom. Egypt and Mesopotamia were the same but very different.…
In comparing both they had important similarities corresponding to their society, some of their features were from early civilizations. Both Egypt and Mesopotamia foreground power structure, with a noble, landowning group on the near top and a…
To conclude, Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia were different in many ways. Despite all their differences, they had similarities. These river valleys are my favourite and they were the most powerful. They found new ways of technology and shaped our world into what it is now. Without these civilizations, we would not know writing, medicine, or most of the technology we have…