Describe any situation in your experience where thecommunication was a failure. Analyze the barrier(s)which stood in the way of successfulcommunication. Explain how you would overcome thebarrier(s).Situation where Communication was a failure to me:
As an Associate Manager, I was a sender for a communication andintended to be received by my executives.I have sent the following communication to my executivesthrough a notice and displayed on the notice board:“Coming Second Saturday to complete our targets for themonth a review meeting is arranged and all should attend. If any executive is not able to attend should find out the contents of the meeting from their peers without fail”.But my communication went wrong and out of 10executives, only three executives have attended at 4.00 PM whochecked-in with me at the time of the meeting.
Following were the barriers of communication which stoodin the way of my communication:
The “Channel” I have chosen did not ensure the receiptof the communication by “Receivers”.
The communication lacked the “Chronological context”. Thesecond Saturday being a non working day.
The communication has created a “Psychological noise” bynot mentioning correct time of the meeting and confusionhas been created.
The “social context” also is one of the cause for thefailure of the communication as I have not taken all myexecutives into confident by giving any advanceinformation or a intention of the meeting earlier
Lessons learnt in order to overcome these barriers of communication:
•My communication was unclear by not giving exact time of meeting.•The media I have used is the placing the notice on the noticeboard, instead had I circulated to all the receivers andobtained their signatures by asking their availability orfeedback my communication would not have failed.•I have chosen a wrong day a holiday though the task was aroutine one.•I could have maintained good relations with